Day 2 – Lazy Day

Today was a lazy day for sure. After the events of yesterday, we just wanted to take things easy today and thankfully we did. We slept a lot today…all three of us. Cameron would say, “Daddy, I not tired” and three minutes later he was out cold.

The weather here is not what we expected. We had prepared for cooler temperatures, but the lack of rain has caused the temperature to be unusually warm. We packed very little for this kind of weather so we are having to adjust.

Cameron is having a hard time understanding why no one seems to understand him here. He is so friendly to everyone, but many guests at the hotel just look at him funny and none of the children respond to him. We keep explaining that everyone in this country speaks Spanish, so he is trying to speak a little Spanish with a dose of deep southern twang! The hotel staff adore him regardless of what he says, so he is getting plenty of attention from them.

As it was last time, the food is incredible! So much for losing a few pounds. Below are two pictures from the dining room of Hotel Stein, one from two years ago and one from today.

This was then….

This is now…

We absolutely love this place! Today was very relaxing and much needed as we prepare for the days ahead. Cameron still has lots of adjusting to do here and we are so glad that we have these few extra days to allow him to get acclimated to the environment.

Thanks for all of the continued prayers and encouragement. Our first meeting with Cooper will be on Tuesday, January 8th at 2 PM. I will do my best to send out an update that evening. God Bless.